Santosh Anantrao Marathe
Chief Operating Officer
NMC Healthcare
Mr Santosh Marathe has a work experience of around 37 years with the past 24 years in Healthcare. His career has transcended across manufacturing, Consumer Goods & Healthcare. He currently occupies the role of Chief Operating Officer at NMC Healthcare Abu Dhabi.
Santosh has been instrumental in multiple strategic advisory roles for building business alliances, project planning, service excellence initiatives, costing & pricing strategies, physician compensation strategies, revenue management & IT implementations. He has been recognised & awarded in top 100 Healthcare leaders by IFAH Dubai.
He has been a regular speaker in multiple national & international forums at Boston, Sydney, Amsterdam, Singapore, Hongkong & Dubai on topics of Big Data, Supply Chain management, Patient Centric care initiatives, Patient Experience, Finance & Costing & IT systems, Digital healthcare roadmap, Revenue management & so forth.